Friday, 13 April 2012

Agew na Pangasinan 2012 Street Dancers Showdown

                 April 11, the celebration of Pangasinan Day has been a great and successful day to all Pangasinenses. Right after the Float Parade and Street Dancing Contest, the contenders faced the judges and the crowd for the Showdown.

Sto. Tomas Street Dancers showcasing their guiness entry: “the biggest grill in the world”.

Bayambang’s Malansi Festival, showcased by the Bayambang dance troupes.

Villasis Street Dancers in their Talong(Eggplant) Festival.
Pozorrubio Street Dancers presents their yummy Patupat Festival.

San Fabian Street Dancers are very proud with their town and patron saint, San Fabian.

Urbiztondo dance troupes showcasing their Mais (corn) Festival.

The Mapandan Street Dancers unleashing their talent and showcasing the Pandan Festival.

San Carlos City Street Dancers showcasing their mango-bamboo festival. They were also called as the "Amputi Layag".

The Binmaley Street Dancers showcasing their Sigay Festival. Binmaley is well known now as the Seafood Capital of the North.

The Lingayen Street Dancers unleashing their talent in dancing.

Pangasinan has really great and magnificent culture. Pangasinan Day 2012 was truly a success.

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